Just Solitaire

Just Solitaire Blog

Here you will find news and updates about JustSolitaire.com!

So the positions of the toolbar buttons, the title, and the ads has been bothering me. I needed to come up with a layout that would work on screens as...

Just rolled out an update. Lots of changes. -- Double clicks should work again in Internet Explorer. -- New toolbar graphics. -- New Stats window. ...

Just added a new game. This one may need some testing. The rule set is a little unusual. First, the tableau is laid out in a crescent shape. I'm...

So some of you may have noticed the win animations. I thought hard about what I could do to make winning fun. The old game just spun the cards around ...

Made a few fixes today thanks to the feedback I have been getting. The first was in the Undo functionality of La Belle Lucie and Cruel. Both have the...

So I just added a "Scoring Method" option under Settings. The way I had it before, you got -52 points when a game started. -104 if the game ...

I'm getting some great feedback from users. I'm trying to makes changes as quickly as I can. Just this morning I added two features to tigh...

Hello. I thought since I spent so much time creating the games at Just Solitaire, perhaps I should blog about it. I can talk about the site, and solit...